The truth is, when it comes to projects and opportunities I’m passionate about, I have a very hard time stepping back, even when I know I’m biting off way more than I can chew. Sometimes, I feel like I’m the only one who has a hard time saying no, but a post last week by one of my favorite bloggers, Teenage Bride, really spoke to me and confirmed that I’m not alone at all.
Saying “no,” whether to requests from others or to pressures we place upon ourselves, can be hard and even gut-wrenching. Making it even harder is the fact that not everyone understands when you do say no. For instance, after taking on my new role with Weddzilla and finding my class load increasing, I realized I had to cut back on contributing to other blogs. Although I let one group know two weeks before my next post was due, they were not fully understanding, wanting me to finish out the month and not responding to wish me well after I apologized and said I unfortunately could not due to my class obligations. But as hurtful as this can be, it’s these situations that especially make me realize I need to stop feeling bad about saying no to others, because others often do not reciprocate when given the chance. I also need to put less pressure on myself and accept that there are only so many hours in a day, that I am only one person, and that when you try to excel at too many things, you may set yourself up to fail at them all. My health and marriage need attention, and even though I am lucky enough to be living out many of my dreams, balance is still essential, as is just saying no when I absolutely have to.
Do you have a hard time saying no? Have you ever taken on more than you can handle, and how do you find the right balance in your life?
(Graphic Credit: Babble)